Collecting Documentation
As soon as you are aware of a problem, begin documenting the issue. Be sure to include the date and time of each occurrence, as well as the names of any people involved. Do not record personal opinions – keep everything factual. You may include tone of voice or general attitude, but don’t make guesses as to reasons for behavior.
For example:
Anne Smith no-showed for an interview at 9:00am, but called around 3:30pm and stated she had forgotten. I rescheduled her appointment for tomorrow at 10:00am.
I interviewed Anne Smith at 10:15am (she was 15 minutes late to the appointment). At the end of the interview I told her I did not feel we had any positions open that would fill her needs and ours.
Anne Smith called my office while I was out at a conference. My recorded message stated I would be out of the office until 2/8/07. She left messages at 8:17am, 10:32am, and 4:12pm.
Anne Smith left messages at 10:30am, 11:07am, 2:04pm, and 4:09pm.
Anne Smith left messages at 10:54am and 3:17pm.
Anne Smith left a message at 12:30pm.
Anne Smith left messages at 8:01am and 4:47pm
Anne Smith left messages at 9:17am, 10:15am, 11:20am, 1:37pm, and 3:39pm. Her tone of voice sounded increasingly agitated with each call.
Anne Smith left a message at 9:42am wanting to know why I had not called her.
Anne Smith called at 12:17pm, 12:19pm, 12:43pm, and 12:52pm while I was out at lunch and left messages telling me she needed to talk to me about volunteering with children. I had just finished listening to my messages when the phone rang and it was Anne (1:13pm). She wanted to know why I had not called her back about volunteering. I explained to her again that she did not have the skill set needed for Homework Help.
I also told Anne that in the future I would not be returning calls about volunteering. I explained that I had spoken to her on several occasions and the answer was not going to change. I was polite but firm. She indicated that she understood.
Anne Smith called me at 8:36am stating that she wanted a volunteer position working with children. I told her we had no volunteer positions that would meet her needs and the library’s needs.
Anne Smith left a message at 11:47am. I did not return the call.
Anne Smith left a message at 3:48pm. I did not return the call.